Hello everyone!

I wanted to know more about anal enemas. An anal enema, also known as a rectal enema or just an enema, is a medical procedure used to introduce a liquid solution or water into the rectum and lower colon through the anus. It serves various purposes like stimulating bowel movements, softening stool, or cleansing the lower gastrointestinal tract.

People typically use enemas to relieve constipation or prepare for medical procedures, such as colonoscopy or surgery or in this case pegging. During the procedure, you would need to lie on your side, and a lubricated tube or nozzle would be inserted into your rectum. The liquid solution would then be introduced slowly and gently. After that, you’d be instructed to hold the liquid for a certain duration before releasing it along with the stool.

Below you can see a very descriptive example on how to do it step by step. After all, nobody wants a dirty bum coming to a pegging.